The landscape

26% of Americans eat candy daily. That number increases to 31% amongst kids (Oxford Academic study). In fact, it is so strong that it drives consumption amongst parents. 76% of people living with kids under their roof are more likely to consume candy (Experian Study). Clearly candy is a large part of childhood. 

All of us here have been children, and experienced childhood at some point. And candy has the power to evoke that nostalgia. Skittles are no different. Skittles is a brand that has been around for decades and has evolved over the years. But it has always been fun and mischievous, and pushed boundaries. It is a brand that transcends generations. And that is the point, it draws in people from all walks of life. 

The Audience

We found consumers are either Skittles Super Fans. Like this tiktoker that knows and guesses every flavor correctly.

Or Skittles Skeptics. Deep in the ingredient list. Pointing out everything wrong with the dye, the sugar, the chemicals, and more

We will be looking at a third, less obvious category. Parents.

We interviewed 20 parents in New York, New Jersey, and Los Angeles, and found that although parents enjoy candy themselves, and “love to see the happiness in [their child] when they give them sweets,” there is still a side of them that decides to “monitor consumption.”

Bringing us to the sweet paradox of parenting. 

The Insight

For parents, the thrill of childhood sweets is unforgettable, but so is the tug-of-war between nostalgia and guiding their kids towards healthier choices.

The Strategic Idea

There is an allure in discovering a way to parent without compromise—where joy and wellness can live side by side.


Phase 1: Where is the sugar?

In the first phase we are publishing fake articles on our website (as Skittles has done), posting on Instagram and twitter, and generating the buzz to get people to focus on the fact that sugar has gone missing.

Phase 2: Product & Packaging Reveal

Later we reveal that the sugar has in fact disappeared, but that is the appeal. Our packaging is colorful to appeal to children, yet reminiscent of a CD to allure parents. Multiple packages will hold variations of Skittles stickers to continue their appeal to children.

Phase 3: The Super Bowl

Our super bowl activation includes signs on the back of stadium chairs. Once scanned, you can use augmented reality systems to see people around the stadium in Skittles colors. This will be the biggest bowl of Skittles.

With option to include the below TV Commercial in between games. This ad captures the daredevil, eccentric and fun nature Skittles owns so well.