Eggs that give back…
The story
There’s a growing focus on living healthier, and many consumers are reevaluating what’s good for them, their future, and their bodies (Nielsen, 2024). Yet when it comes to certain food categories, such as eggs, the titles can become convoluted. Through speaking to 15 people in New York, Chicago and Austin, we uncovered that many consumers don’t see a real difference between organic, pasture-raised, and commercial eggs, other than the higher price tag.
Sustainability, once a key differentiator, is now something people expect, rather than an added value; yet by viewing the campaigns for organic and pasture raised eggs we still see most sustainable egg brands screaming the same promises.
This is an opportunity to continue providing the highly ethical quality of eggs, and branch out as a differentiated brand.
The landscape
When looking for a cause to stand up for, we uncovered a heartbreaking reality—a cause worth fighting for. In 2023, 47.4 million people in the U.S. lived in food-insecure households, including 7.2 million children (USDA)
To add to that statistics, and where we come in, price spikes in eggs hit these families the hardest, yet eggs remain a high-quality, accessible source of protein that are easy to prepare and include in daily meals.
The Audience
In looking at who is doing the shopping, we uncovered that women account for 80% of those trips. This statistic played a key factor in our decision for our target, most of them mothers or caretakers (Capital One Shopping).
The core values shared among millennial shoppers include:
87% feel motivated to purchase if a portion of the proceeds goes to a cause they care about (World Economic Forum)
63% believe it is essential to contribute to their community (PEW Research Center)
Therefore we’ll look to target these mindful moms.
The Insight
The most genuine way mothers show love is by giving a bite before they take one, nurturing their families with selflessness.
The Strategic Idea
Eggs are more than just food—they’re a way to multiply care.
Reasons to Believe
It is in Vital Farm’s mission, “[they do] everything [they] can to improve the lives of people, animals, and the planet through food.” This campaign will extend their mission and differentiate the brand amongst consumers who are driven by community and family.
The website landing page which describes the campaign objective. Positioning Vital Farms as a brand that continues to extend it's mission of caring for people, animals and our communities.
Why does the "buy one, give one" strategy work so well? It’s simple: people love knowing their purchase has a purpose. When you buy one, you're not just getting a product—you’re creating real social impact. It’s like shopping with a superpower: you walk out with something great for yourself, and someone else benefits too.
The key visual. This visual aesthetic can be replicated in OOH displays all over major cities. Showcasing Vital Farm’s playful tone, while emphasizing that the company is making a difference, and our customers get to be the heroes in that story.
An activation and method of distributing the egg cartons in our Buy One Give One (BOGO) campaigns strategy. Consumers will get to see the loading of the van near store fronts, which will then drive to neighborhoods offering food to those in need.